MassMailer - Native App, Email Marketing, Mass Email, Email Alerts, Attach Files - MassMailer, Inc - AppExchange
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MassMailer - Native App, Email Marketing, Mass Email, Email Alerts, Attach Files

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Starting at $219 USD per 1 user, more plans, add-ons available every 0 months Starting packages: $219/mo BASIC; $279/mo PRO; $409/mo PREMIER; more email plans, dedicated IP, IP warmup email verify, other add-ons, support packages volume pricing, higher-ed, annual billing discount detailed pricing at

Discounts available for nonprofits



Latest Release


Send Single or Mass Email,or Drip Email with File Attachments to any Object

✔ Mass Email, Bulk Email, Single Email to any Standard or Custom Object##✔ Email Parent or Child objects##✔ Attach Files##✔ Email Alerts##✔ Drip Campaigns##✔ Merge Fields##✔ Build Templates##✔ Verify Emails##✔ Track Emails & Statistics##✔ Dedicated IP
