Empowering Institutions to say "Yes" to CRM transformations. - IntraEdge, Inc. - AppExchange
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Empowering Institutions to say "Yes" to CRM transformations.

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 0
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 3
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2002
IntraEdge | Say "Yes" to your CRM transformation

We specialize in leveraging Salesforce to create innovative solutions that drive student success, optimize operations, and enhance the overall constituent experience. We aim to empower institutions to embrace a "Say Yes!" mentality.


  • Over 3000 Global employees, 300+ active clients and over 150 institutions served. IntraEdge’s development team specializes in creating innovative software solutions tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities facing higher education institutions.
  • Our roots are in Higher Education, with many of our leading digital transformations for Higher Education institutions before joining the consulting field.
  • We offer a comprehensive suite of Higher Ed CRM services including: Assessment & Roadmap Strategy, Recruitment & Admissions, Student Experience, Institutional Operations, Advancement & Alumni Relations, Data Cloud & AI, and Enhance Services & Support.


We specialize in leveraging Salesforce to create innovative solutions that drive student success, optimize operations, and enhance the overall constituent experience. Our team of Higher Education experts delivers tailored implementations on leading practice approaches that empower institutions of all sizes to achieve their strategic goals. IntraEdge brings a breadth of technology implementation expertise to support your CRM transformation.####We aim to empower institutions to embrace a "Say Yes!" mentality. By collaborating with our clients, we strive to deliver outstanding outcomes and eagerly support institutional stakeholders' ideas and requests. Utilizing our Salesforce expertise and commitment to making a positive difference, we assist institutions in reaching their strategic objectives and promoting a culture of success and collaboration.

Geographic Focus



About IntraEdge, Inc. We specialize in leveraging Salesforce to create innovative solutions that drive student success, optimize operations, and enhance the overall constituent experience. Our team of Higher Education experts delivers tailored implementations on leading practice approaches that empower institutions of all sizes to achieve their strategic goals.####We aim to empower institutions to embrace a "Say Yes!" mentality. By collaborating with our clients, we strive to deliver outstanding outcomes and eagerly support institutional stakeholders' ideas and requests. Utilizing our Salesforce expertise and commitment to making a positive difference, we assist institutions in reaching their strategic objectives and promoting a culture of success and collaboration.

Chandler, Arizona, USA
602 531-1094