Outcome Threading© - OUTCOMECOE, INC. - AppExchange
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Outcome Threading©

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 0
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 1
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2023
Improving outcomes for Salesforce projects

Our agile-friendly method called Outcome Threading©, which streamlines project monitoring and automates reporting to ensure the trivial does not outweigh the vital.


  • RIDING SHOTGUN: Our team becomes an extension of your team when you don’t have the cycles and/or technical knowledge to manage, monitor, evaluate, and direct System Integrators—especially low-cost SIs who need more oversight.
  • SALESFORCE RESCUE: Our team is happy to jump in mid-project to get a project back on track and help you rescue a Salesforce project. We conduct a quick assessment and reset to refocus on your goals.
  • SALESFORCE SUCCESS WORKSHOP: OutcomeCOE offers a two-day workshop to equip your team to drive SIs to successful outcomes.


Improving outcomes of Salesforce projects####A lightweight program management framework with high-impact outcomes executed by fractional teams of Salesforce multi-cloud, multi-domain, and multi-industry experts.####Our secret sauce is an agile-friendly method called Outcome Threading© which streamlines project monitoring and automates reporting to ensure the trivial does not outweigh the vital and your System Integrators play by your rules, stay aligned, and focus on YOUR outcomes…not just outputs.

Geographic Focus

United States



About OUTCOMECOE, INC. We improve outcomes of Salesforce projects with a lightweight program management framework with high-impact outcomes executed by fractional teams of Salesforce multi-cloud, multi-domain, and multi-industry experts.####Our secret sauce is an agile-friendly method called Outcome Threading©, which streamlines project monitoring and automates reporting to ensure the trivial does not outweigh the vital and your System Integrators play by your rules, stay aligned, and focus on YOUR outcomes…not just outputs.

Louisville, Kentucky US