SimioEnhance Political Data - Moore, a series LLC - AppExchange
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SimioEnhance Political Data

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Add political and voter history data to your audience file

SimioEnhance Political Data enriches your audience knowledge with political preferences, enabling targeted outreach & marketing. Comprising over 690 elements, it includes 15+ years of voter history and nationwide political geography data.


  • Household-level data
  • Philanthropic
  • Industry-leading results


Integrating Political Data enables better segmentation, personalized communications, and enhanced marketing touchpoints by providing insights into your audiences’, donors’, and constituents’ voting and political behaviors. ####SimioEnhance Political Data is powered by industry-leading SimioCloud data encompassing ##• 690+ voting and political geography elements, ##• 250M+ consumers, ##• 1,000+ append elements ##• myriad attitudinal, transactional behavior, and demographic data. ####For more information, contact us at



About Moore, a series LLC
