Studioware - Studioware - AppExchange
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  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 5
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 5
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2006
Your Smart Digital Booster

From data to information, obtaining better decisions and, consequently, the development of your company's business. This is our mission.##Studioware, Salesforce partner, has been operating for over 15 years in the CRM field.


  • Startup projects.##Each business is unique. The methods and approaches we use allow us to consider recurring and unique characteristics of the company, with the scope of creating value for each partner, in each project.
  • Software integration##We generate value by connecting Salesforce to other software already present in the company through secure connections (API) or methods more suited to the business scenario.
  • Tailor made customizations##When necessary, we develop applications within the Salesforce ecosystem or we create customizations necessary for the digitization and maximum efficiency of your company.


With Salesforce your company sells better, you can automate processes, save time, reduce errors, benefit from useful analyzes, ensuring quality and excellent results in pre-sales, post-sales and marketing processes. And much more.####Choose Studioware if you want a partner who empathically acts as a natural extension of your staff, who is interested in learning about your business objectives and, also thanks to Salesforce, accompanies you with commitment in reaching your goals.####Studioware takes care of every phase of the Salesforce activation process, from choosing the cloud that best suits your needs to defining the objectives to be achieved for the management. By customizing the org, modeling automations, training your users and through integration with your company's information system. All of this is provided by trained and certified Salesforce Staff.

Geographic Focus

International Italy


English, Italian

About Studioware Dai dati alle informazioni, ottenendo migliori decisioni e, di conseguenza, lo sviluppo del business della tua impresa. Questo è il nostro compito.##Studioware opera da oltre 15 anni nel campo del CRM come partner Salesforce, della Business Intelligence e della Software Integration. Attiviamo Salesforce agilmente, personalizzando Sales, Service Cloud e Account Engagement collegando Salesforce al sistema informativo ed ai processi del cliente. Nell'ambito della Business Intelligence, usando la tecnologia più adatta al contesto di business, attiviamo KPI, reportistica avanzata. Progettiamo e realizziamo software personalizzato e app plasmati sul business del cliente, implementando processi di software integration che consentono di ottenere il massimo beneficio dall'investimento.##Operiamo con spirito dinamico e proattivo, come estensione naturale della tua impresa, oltre il superato schema "cliente-fornitore", come partner autentici e coinvolti, come un’unica squadra in sinergia con il tuo staff.

Vasto | Pescara
+39 0873 361182