ITC Infotech : Global Business Consulting Partner - ITC Infotech - AppExchange
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ITC Infotech : Global Business Consulting Partner

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 9
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 190
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2000
Implementation. Strategic Consulting. Innovation.

ITC Infotech specialises in providing domain, data and digital technology solutions to enterprise across industries globally. We help companies deliver more value to customers and drive business excellence by combining new and traditional business models.


  • With a team of over 6500 and offices in 18 nations, ITC Infotech has been involved in engagements in 35 countries, serving clients across industries – Retail, Manufacturing, Hi-Tech, CPG, Airlines, Hospitality, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance.
  • We are a Cloud Alliance Partner for, and have a team of over 400 members working with them across geographies to deliver cloud solutions that improve customer experience.
  • Drawing on our rich experience, we help our customers drive business value with the help of our 4Ds concept - domain-led, data-driven digital transformation and differentiated delivery.


Through this unique and effective approach, ITC Infotech has helped clients better ROI, ensure deeper market penetration, increase customer satisfaction and retention, and optimize business processes. Our range of services include:## • Business Transformation on • Implementation, Maintenance and Support## • Integration Solutions## • Custom Cloud Solutions## • AppExchange App Developments

Geographic Focus


Dutch, English, German

About ITC Infotech ITC Infotech works in tandem with to help global enterprises in defining and implementing cloud-based solutions across the organization. Together, we make it easier for companies to leverage cloud-computing for the benefits it delivers in the areas of customer service and support, workforce automation, contract management, asset tracking, supply chain, etc. ##ITC Infotech helps organizations intending to scale up their current salesforce footprint or considering increasing or making new investments in solutions to:##• Evaluate and migrate appropriate applications to cloud##• Implement cloud-based CRM solutions to improve sharing of sales and customer data across the enterprise##• Optimize sales processes to reduce operational costs and increase sales##• Rethink customer contact centres

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