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Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultantProjects Completed 101
Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy.Certified Experts 34 is the Platform... Cloud Mobile makes it happen!
Cloud Mobile is a Mexican based company that has a partnership agreement signed with for the certified distribution and technical implementation in México and Latam.
Our practice includes CRM Implementations, Platform Development, Platform Integration, Support and Consultancy.
Our team accumulates more than 40 years of experience working with the Platform.
Our offices are located in Mexico City, Queretaro and Guadalajara... even though, we have implemented projects all over the Country.
Cloud Mobile has implemented more than 50 projects in around 35 companies from different industries including Finance, Telecom, Pharma, Energy and Professional Services.####Contact us today to find out how our practice can help you to drive productivity growth and increased performance.
Geographic Focus
United States Texas
English, German, Spanish
About Capptus
In Capptus, we understand that real conversations with our customers become strong actionable plans.####Our thoroughly designed process involves discovery and great deal of road mapping that allows us to fully understand our clients needs. ####The result is a detailed step by step implementation model on how you should measure success, what resources and tools are required, and where you should focus your efforts to succeed in today's mobile environment. is one account for all your Salesforce destinations, such as AppExchange, Trailhead, and Trailblazer Community. Sign in with your Salesforce credentials, email address, or favorite social account.