QBurst helps organizations with strategic consulting services, complex customizations, enterprise application integration, and migrations. Our combined consulting and technical expertise will help you get the best out of your cloud journey.
Geographic Focus
About QBurst QBurst is a global product development and consulting company offering cognitive solutions and custom software development services for start-ups, small to mid-sized businesses, and large enterprises. Founded in 2004, the company has a presence in 14 cities across seven countries and employs approximately 3400 professionals that include developers, designers, UX engineers, QA specialists, business analysts, system/IT engineers, and data scientists. QBurst adopts an onsite, offsite, hybrid (onsite + offsite) approach for delivery to get outstanding results at reduced costs. As a Registered Consulting Partner, our team of certified force.com developers, administrators, and consultants work together to ensure seamless adoption of Salesforce across business scenarios. Our specialized team has expertise in cloud readiness assessment, planning & analysis, customization, data migration, real-time/batch integration, and training.