One stop solution for all your software needs. Be it implementation, customization, migration we got you covered. Successfully transform the way you utilize Salesforce® services by incorporating our extensive experience in end-to-end cloud solutions.
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About Sairoop Technologies Sales Force Administration, Sales Force Integration, Apex/Visualforce,Web Service Integration,Cloud Computing, Web Analytics, Email Marketing and customized Reporting. Eloqua, Marketo integration, Marketing campaigns, Leaders in Integrations. ####Today, CRM is shifting toward cloud computing. Instead of buying and maintaining expensive servers and software to manage customer conversations and information, companies can use Web-based (“cloud”) applications to run their CRM—and get a high return on their investment. Akarsys is a leader in cloud computing, offering a complete set of CRM cloud applications, a cloud platform, and a cloud infrastructure. We have a team of certified cloud computing professionals who can make the transition to clound computing seamless. ####Whether you are looking for a basic CRM package or want to build the state of art CRM offering, want to integrate with demand generations tools or want to integrate with other enterprise systems and tools, we can help. With years of cloud computing experience our team of certified CRM professionals are eagerly awaiting to build the best of breed solution tailored to your needs. Endless possibilities....
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