Outbirds - Outbirds - AppExchange
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  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 12
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 18
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2017
Making sense of your business

Outbirds helps businesses create value by supporting them and guiding them through the digital transformation. Our specialists observe, help you on your way or take work off your hands to lay the foundations for an efficient way of working.


  • Approved: ##- Salesforce Partner ##- Salesforce.org Consulting Partner##- Salesforce Cloud Reseller
  • Extensive network and knowledge within:##- Energy and Utilities##- Non-Governmental Organizations##- Telco##- Public Sector
  • Projectmanagement and Consultancy for:##- Sales Cloud ##- Service Cloud##- Field Service##- Experience Cloud##- Marketing Cloud Account Engagement


Outbirds helps businesses create value by supporting them and guiding them through the digital transformation. Our specialists observe, help you on your way or take work off your hands to lay the foundations for an efficient way of working.####Transforming with the help of Salesforce is your goal, and we have the knowledge to make it happen. The specialists at Outbirds study organisations from top to bottom to help you plan the architecture and manage and optimise all the required solutions.####Transformation is not about a moment, but about a process of continuous optimisation and adjusting course. That’s why we prefer to use agile methods. We set targets, work towards them and include everyone in the changes we make. ####By working with consultants from Outbirds, you gain access to specialists who feel like colleagues. Whether it’s implementations, administration or project management, we tackle the challenges you face together. We lead the way and take you with us.

Geographic Focus

International Netherlands


Dutch, English, German

About Outbirds Outbirds maakt de digitale transitie concreet. Dat doen we door creatief en strategisch mee te denken over het optimaliseren van de bedrijfsprocessen en de concrete invulling daarvan. Wij geloven in de noodzaak van innovatie en efficiëntie voor toekomstig succes. Door slimme analyse en agile ontwikkelmethoden te combineren met moderne IT platformen, versterken we organisaties en tillen wij ze naar een hoger plan.
