Cognodata Consulting - Cognodata - AppExchange
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Cognodata Consulting

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 72
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 41
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2001
Customer Interaction and Marketing Automation

Cognospace is the combination of agile technologies, CRM and marketing automation tools offered in a managed services form, aligning business objectives with the generation and communication of content that’s more relevant in time, channel and context.


  • Interactive service at a Design, Execution and Measurement level##Increasing profitability, satisfaction and customer relationship##Reliable and efficient outsourcing service##Easily integrated and scalable platform##Optimization with Machine Learning
  • Achieve a better user experience, lowering operative costs, increasing sales and margins.####Microservices:##Business Case Consulting, Campaign Definition, CRM Management, Segmentation, Journey Design, Creativities, Priorization, Saturation Control,
  • Simulation, Planning and Scheduling, Loyalty Program Management, Messaging, Dispatcher, Personalized Control Panels, Incident Management, Metrics (KPIs), Redemption Calculations, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Optimization and New Simulations


Cognospace is the combination of agile technologies, CRM and marketing automation tools offered in a managed services form, in a way that optimizes the complicated life cycle of a commercial journey, aligning business objectives with the generation and communication of content that’s more relevant in time, channel and context, all in all, to achieve a better user experience, lowering operative costs while increasing sales and margins.####1. Business objectives – Customer profitability. Different sectors and##company sizes####2. Marketing Automation - Interactive service at a design, execution##and measurement/analytics level####3. Outsourcing - Maximum quality with Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Legal Regulations Fulfillment####4. Software as a Service platform - Adaptable, scalable and easy to integrate with other solutions ####5. Machine learning - Optimization and Improvement

Geographic Focus

International Mexico Spain


English, Spanish

About Cognodata We are leaders in Customer Strategy, ever-growing worldwide through successful projects for the main players of Europe and Latam.##We belong to a group of enterprises leader in business analytics: Cognodata, Tinámica (Big Data), MBIT (analytical training)##+600 models built during our 15 years of specialization in Customer Science for the financial sector##+1000 models built for other sectors Banking, Insurance, Retail, Telco, Travel&Leisure, Utilities, Public Administration####We generate measurable results in business, which allow portfolio value to develop, competitive placement improvement and to be one step ahead in each industry.####Through our projects and initiatives we attain, among others, make intelligent decisions, define and establish differential commercial and marketing actions, support of digital transformation or the Big Data explosion and Machine Learning, commence experiences and excelling loyalty programs, and many more.

Madrid, Spain
+34 91 411 63 15, + 52 55 4160 0180