CloudJunction Advisors - CloudJunction Advisors, Inc. - AppExchange
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CloudJunction Advisors

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 14
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 36
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2018
Get past "Crawl"... in your "Crawl-Walk-Run" Salesforce journey!

Our team's combined 50+ years of Salesforce experience, advisory and implementation services deliver the results businesses seek from adopting Salesforce. We offer: #### 1. Prescriptive Expertise## 2. Risk Minimization ## 3. Iterative progress


  • The absence of an iterative approach to incremental enhancements often leaves Salesforce projects marooned in 'Phase 1'. We enable adoption success with: ## ##✓ PRESCRIPTIVE EXPERTISE: We guide and advise. We challenge the status quo consultatively.
  • ✓ RISK MINIMIZATION: Fixed cost bid model offloads risk of cost variance from clients to us.
  • ✓ ITERATIVE PROGRESS: Post go-live Nurture program included for every client to ensure a successful transition into Salesforce adoption.


Whether you are new to Salesforce and contemplating your technology roadmap, or a current Salesforce customer looking to get more mileage out of your existing investment, our team's combined 50+ years of experience with Salesforce's platform can help identify and mitigate risks to a successful implementation and accelerate adoption for your team.

Geographic Focus



About CloudJunction Advisors, Inc. CloudJunction offers Salesforce-native apps to augment and extend Salesforce. Our Salesforce-centric design philosophy ensures:####1. ROBUST DESIGN: Apps built exclusively for Salesforce avoid platform dilution##2. PLATFORM FOCUS: Not catering to multiple CRMs avoids "lowest common denominator" constraints##3. DEEP NATIVE INTEGRATION: Unlocks the full power of Salesforce’s Automation Engine

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
+1 (647) 723-6600