Engagys — Healthcare Consulting Partner - Engagys LLC - AppExchange
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Engagys — Healthcare Consulting Partner

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 7
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 4
Engagys — Your healthcare consumer engagement partner

Experts in Medicare and Medicaid consumer health engagement and digital transformation, we provide implementation, campaign design, development and analytic services to entities striving for a consistent and well-orchestrated consumer experience.


  • Our expertise spans Commercial, Medicare and Medicaid populations across all payer and provider entities including: health plans, condition management companies, providers, PBMs, and hospitals.
  • As the leading healthcare consumer engagement consulting and research firm, our experts leverage expertise from technology service companies, management consulting firms, and healthcare enterprises.
  • Using our expertise in healthcare engagement and digital transformation, we provide implementation, campaign design, development and analytics services to providers and payers who are striving for a consistent and well-orchestrated consumer experience.


Specialists in Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Community Cloud, and Health Cloud allow us to serve the entire US including Puerto Rico & Hawaii. Services include:####Software Implementations##● Requirements documentation##● Analysis##● Configuration####Campaign Support##● Design##● Implementation####Custom Development##● Third-party platform integrations####Reporting Visualization and Analytics Support and Development##● Data analysis and reporting####Client Example: Driving Healthcare Consumer Outcomes Using Salesforce Marketing Cloud™####Opportunity: Provide needed, rapid communication test-and- learn capabilities to execute multi-channel outreach to members including:##● Health & wellness##● Education##● Prescriptions##● Enrollment####Solution: ##● Advanced analytics in an agile operating model ##● Rapid test-and-learn emails through Salesforce Marketing Cloud##● Predictive modeling and analytically-derived cohorts##● Barrier analysis, behavioral economics principles, and personalized messaging to drive behavior change####Outcomes:##● 1.9M+ emails sent##● 13 campaigns including both Commercial and Medicare members##● 27% open rate (42% higher than the industry average of 19%)

Geographic Focus

United States
California Massachusetts Texas



About Engagys LLC
