Silius Technologies Inc. - Silius Technologies - AppExchange
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Silius Technologies Inc.

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 0
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 1
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2018
A boutique Salesforce consulting firm based in Victoria BC

Silius offers a wide range of Salesforce consulting services with the necessary tools and expertise to help you get the most out of your investment in Salesforce.


  • Enhance Team Productivity - We treat Salesforce as a tool for boosting team productivity. It is not merely a data entry platform.
  • Minimize Potential Risks - We adhere to established best practices, strive for effective stakeholder engagement, and endorse phased implementation
  • Provide Precise and Impactful Real-Time Reporting - We Implement well organized structures and data controls that promote accurate and informed decision-making.


Our team has the capabilities and expertise to take your Salesforce implementation to the next level. We help shape and improve how our clients structure and manage their business processes using Salesforce. Let's work together to develop a strategy that aligns your desired business outcomes with the data-driven decision making and business process automation possible with Salesforce.####Are you rolling out Salesforce to a new team? Have you been using Salesforce for some time, but are having trouble with staff using it effectively in their daily routine? Is your Sales leadership confident they have a true 360 degree view of your sales operations and pipeline? Whether you have new users that need help with the basics or experienced users looking to take things to the next level, we can provide customized training to help your team succeed with Salesforce.####Salesforce comes with many tools for automating simple actions, complex workflows, and approval processes. We'll help you use automation to make Salesforce easier to use and make your team more efficient.

Geographic Focus

British Columbia Quebec



About Silius Technologies Established in 2018. Based in Victoria B.C. and serving clients everywhere.####We are a tight-knit team of highly skilled and experienced Salesforce professionals with experience Serving clients in public and private sector.####We offer full-service Salesforce service, brining (1) People, (2) Tools, and (3) Processes.####We establish long term relationships with our clients, becoming an extension of their team. We perform the implementation Salesforce systems and stick around to oversee the operations and strategic development of the Sales Operations and Customer Service processes.####==Long-Term Client Relationships==##We foster win-win relationships with our clients, serving as your strategic partner in your Customer 360 journey.####==Team Integration ==##We are an integral extension of our clients' teams. We guide and implement the strategic development of your Salesforce systems.####==Special Forces for Sales Operations==##We envision ourselves as a compact, specialized unit embedded within your Sales Operations team, executing strategic projects effectively and efficiently.
