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Onyx Consulting Services
Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviewsRating
Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultantProjects Completed 4
Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy.Certified Experts 0
We deliver customized technology solutions to our customers; your mission is our mission. Our focus is helping you realize value quickly and consistently so your business excels and your customer service is unparalleled.
Pardot and Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Nonprofit Cloud, Education Cloud, and Communities
Sales Cloud, Service Cloud + FSL, CPQ
About Onyx:####Onyx was created by 3 individuals who just really like working together (sometimes). Honestly, Onyx was formed because, like most entrepreneurs, the founders wanted to make a difference. We are part-rebels and part-heroes. We are heroes because we work to make your life easier. And we are rebels because we actively question the status quo and challenge the norms. ####We noticed that there’s a big gap between the knowledge that’s out there on technology compared to the knowledge that you have on how to make technology work for you. And in pure form, we question why that is so. No, we don’t think you should take the burden of being an expert in technology, that’s where we come in. But we very strongly believe that you should not feel overwhelmed by it. For example, thinking about implementing a basic CRM should not shake you to the core so much that you opt to continue working on paper.####And that, very simply, is why Onyx was born. is one account for all your Salesforce destinations, such as AppExchange, Trailhead, and Trailblazer Community. Sign in with your Salesforce credentials, email address, or favorite social account.