Wir automatisieren Ihre Kundeninteraktion, um sowohl die Kundenerfahrung als auch die Prozesseffizienz zu verbessern. Wir bringen die Zukunft der Kundeninteraktion in Ihr Unternehmen. Wir sind ein starkes Team von Spezialisten mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel.
Geographic Focus
About Liongate AG Highlights####Focus Areas:##- Sales Cloud##- Service Cloud##- Marketing/Pardot####Industry Experience:##- Automotive##- Finance##- Professional Services##- Manufacturing##- Information Technology##- Telecommunication####Service Portfolio:##- Admin Services##- Strategic Consulting & Innovation##- Implementation##- Reporting/Analytics##- Development##- CRM Best Practices##- Health Checks##- Change Management##- Data Loading##- Security Review##- Release Readiness######Description####MAKE EVERY CUSTOMER INTERACTION A WIN.## ##Delight customers, accelerate your business growth: We automate your customer interaction to improve customer experience and process efficiency alike. We bring the future of customer interaction to your business. We are a strong team of specialists with a common goal: to transform customer experiences in a way that benefits both customers and companies’ bottom line. We do this by combining technical and methodological expertise with latest digital technologies and a passion for IT.