Tableau Cloud Migration Assessment - Cleartelligence - AppExchange
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Tableau Cloud Migration Assessment

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 0
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 21
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2011
Reserve your free Tableau Cloud Assessment Today!

Ready to Make the Move to Tableau Cloud?##Reserve your free Tableau Cloud Assessment today! Cleartelligence is a Tableau Premier Services Partner, with a large, certified team of Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server Qualified experts.


  • Cleartelligence is a Tableau Premier Services Partner, with a large, certified team of Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server Qualified experts including Tableau Ambassadors and Visionaries.
  • Our Tableau Server Admins have guided clients hundreds of successful migrations.##The assessment is free, with no strings attached. If migration is right for your organization's needs, we will work with you on implementation roadmaps and managing data gove
  • Before going live, we ensure your Tableau Cloud environment is optimized


Cleartelligence is a Tableau Premier Services Partner, with a large, certified team of Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server Qualified experts including Tableau Ambassadors and Visionaries. ####Why Tableau Cloud?##Never have to configure servers, manage software upgrades, or scale hardware capacity again!####-Embedded Analytics bring data into every conversation. ##-Build and scale analytics more easily than on premise environments.##-Hardware and Software are maintained by Tableau.##-Automatic authentication, and the ability to integrate with your SSO and use MFA##-Centralized governance ensures your data is secure and trusted.##-Backups and Disaster Recovery managed by Tableau##-Tableau Exchange, including Dashboard Starters and Extensions##-Get the newest features as soon as they are available!####Assessment##Our experts thoroughly review your current environment, including: Configuration, Security & Permissions, Site Content Structure, Scheduled Refreshes, Subscriptions, and Data Alerts, Data and Dashboard governance process.

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About Cleartelligence AI & Analytics Solutions That Drive Transformational Business Growth##We generate business value by transforming and accelerating decision intelligence across your organization with high-end data analytics services.

Newton, MA, USA
(617) 340-7740