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Mar Dat

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 1
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 3
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2019
From enterprise software to custom dashboards our experts have you covered.

Mar Dat is a boutique marketing automation and data consultancy. We help you unbox your Salesforce MarTech solutions.


  • Digital Transformation: Turn your long-term marketing and data objectives into holistically planned, prioritized projects, with expert project and program management.
  • Managed Services: Put us in, coach! With 20+ years of experience implementing and deploying martech solutions, we can step in to augment or execute your Salesforce platform solutions.
  • Use Case Development: Gain true organizational consensus and universal buy-in around key business, marketing objectives and martech deployment.


Mar Dat offers the data-driven marketing technology expertise every enterprise team needs. We get right to work drawing insights from your data, crafting marketing strategies that earn returns, and empowering your team to actually use your SaaS platforms. As a boutique consultancy, we’re able to dive deep and solve complex marketing problems from the inside out. ####Services: ##Digital Transformation##Use Case Development##Vendor Selection##Salesforce Activation ##Managed Services##Data Strategy/Governance ##Data Visualization ##ROI Analysis

Geographic Focus

United States
Georgia New York Virginia


English, French, Italian, Spanish

About Mar Dat Mar Dat offers the data-driven marketing technology expertise every enterprise team needs. We get right to work drawing insights from your data, crafting marketing strategies that earn returns, and empowering your team to actually use your expensive B2B SaaS subscriptions. As a boutique consultancy, we’re able to dive deep and solve complex marketing problems from the inside out. We work with VP Marketing and CMO clients, helping teams transform tangled tools and disorganized data into a well-oiled marketing machine.####Mar Dat gives C-suite marketers, Brands, Agencies, and M&A partners the breathing room they need to do their best work.

Atlanta, GA

Customer Testimonials

Case Studies
