Thanawalla Digital (TDigital) - Thanawalla Digital - AppExchange
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Thanawalla Digital (TDigital)

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 10
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 4
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2015
Salesforce Architects & Engineers

With more than 40 years’ experience in computer science engineering, development, and cloud computing, T. Digital focuses on developing sophisticated, high-volume Salesforce orgs for large enterprises effectively and affordably. Experience matters.

Featured Resources


  • Configure Price Quote (CPQ) Architects for large enterprises with high volume data.##- Quote-to-Cash CPQ Advanced Implementation Practices##- Apttus Certified CPQ##- Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialists
  • Salesforce MVP Expertise (5+ years)##- Senior Salesforce expertise focused on supporting large-enterprise developments.##- Certified Developer##- Salesforce Certified Platform Developer 1##- Certified Administrator and more
  • Big Data Management##- We specialize in designing high-volume Salesforce orgs to process millions of records daily.##- We build systems that process 100 million+ records, in a single Salesforce database, on a nation-wide scale, daily. We get big data.


Our professional services make Salesforce orgs work when they don’t work, tailor the org to client needs, and provide solutions to industries across the spectrum including, but not limited to, telecom, distribution, manufacturing, warehouse management, professional services, disaster relief, wineries, oil and gas and more. We specialize in high-volume Salesforce architecture and big data management for large enterprises in the following areas:####- Salesforce Org Standups##- Salesforce Modifications##- Salesforce Configurations##- Salesforce Extensions##- Lightening Web Component Construction##- Change Management##- Customer training to move client forward to using and becoming comfortable with the new system so it will be used.####Contact us today for a quote:

Geographic Focus

United States



About Thanawalla Digital Founded in 2015, Thanawalla Digital (T. Digital), software engineering firm focuses on Salesforce and CPQ (Configure, Price Quote Software) business-to-business software architecture and development for large enterprises around the globe.####With over 40 years of experience in classic computer science engineering and development, T. Digital founder and CEO, Moyez Thanawalla, has developed a deep expertise in cloud computing methods and built a strong team focused on designing software programs that work without surprises or landmines. In fact, many of today’s ubiquitous technologies include T. Digital workmanship such as DSP designs in today’s cell phones, microprocessor control of heavy machinery, cloud data security, integration patterns between cloud systems and legacy on-prem data stores.####Today, T. Digital cloud CRM services are used by industry-leading, fortune 500 large enterprises within the telecom, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, cable, insurance, and higher education markets. For more information, or to request a quote, please contact us today.

Dallas, TX