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Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultantProjects Completed 0
Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy.Certified Experts 1
Here, the ACERTARE® DOIT® model can be instrumental in guiding this transformation. This model outlines the stages of change as Discover, Observe, Ideate and Transform.
Discover: The first phase involves understanding the context and potential for change. It's about awakening anticipation and recognizing the exciting possibilities ahead.
Observe: Here, individuals reflect on how the change impacts them personally, aligning the change with their personal values and goals.
AllyAllez stands for "Gemeinsam Vorwärts". It is made up of the English "Ally" and the French "Allez". Our vision is a " Gemeinsam Vorwärts " for sustainable business transformation. The focus is on people working with and for each other.
We understand that implementing big changes such as sustainability strategies, technology changes & customer transformation can be challenging for your workforce. But this is exactly where our Ethical Change Management comes in - it brings new energy and fresh perspectives to workforce transformation enablement.
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English, German
About AllyAllez GmbH
AllyAllez - gemeinsam vorwärts
Wir befähigen unsere Kunden, über die Grenzen der technischen Implementierung hinauszudenken und eine Perspektive für kontinuierliche Serviceleistung und langfristige Partnerschaften mit Fokus auf innovative Servicequalität durch Kulturwandel und Workforce Transformation zu entwickeln. Diese strategische Neuausrichtung unterstreicht, dass ethisches Verhalten und Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur die Grundpfeiler unserer Philosophie sind, sondern auch die Basis bilden, um Unternehmen durch Veränderungen verantwortungsbewusst zu führen und gleichzeitig eine Innovationskultur zu fördern, die ethische Werte priorisiert. is one account for all your Salesforce destinations, such as AppExchange, Trailhead, and Trailblazer Community. Sign in with your Salesforce credentials, email address, or favorite social account.