Projective Consulting - Projective Group UK Limited - AppExchange
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Projective Consulting

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 0
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 1
Specialists in the regulated sector

Projective Consulting offers a full range of consulting services within the Salesforce ecosystem. ####Projective has a strong pedigree in the Regulatory and Risk domains within FS (Banking, Fund Management, Insurance), Real Estate, Law, Accountancy, Gaming.


  • Financial Crime Compliance – provide robust Know Your Customer (KYC)/Customer Due Diligence (CDD) through the integration of CRM and KYC platforms.
  • Third Party Risk Management – provide vendor risk management solutions and enhancements through the integration with procurement platforms.
  • Operational Resilience – support firms to manage the operational resilience profile of their most critical or important business services and activities.


At Projective Consulting, delivering customer success is more than just understanding and building the solution. ####We recognise that each customer is unique and will play their part in delivering projects differently. That’s why we don’t present you with a one-size-fits-all approach to methodology, engagement, planning and delivery. ####Our adaptive approach includes a thorough assessment of client skill, knowledge, experience and resources before we propose an implementation method. And then, where necessary, we can coach, nurture, and guide customers through their implementation. ####This is particularly important in the SMB and non-profit sectors where clients may be unfamiliar with running such projects.####Alongside our market experience differentiators, we are also unique because of our Academy resourcing and training model, ensuring a high degree of resource continuity for our customers.

Geographic Focus

International United Kingdom



About Projective Group UK Limited
