Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviewsRating
Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultantProjects Completed 0
Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy.Certified Experts 2
ExtraTac offers high-quality software solutions leveraging the power of Salesforce
1 of 1 : ExtraTac offers high-quality software solutions leveraging the power of Salesforce
We aim to empower businesses by expanding their use of Salesforce CRM.
We aim to provide high-quality, custom software solutions and consulting services to businesses seeking to maximize the benefit of their Salesforce products.
At ExtraTac, we understand that excellence in quality is not an option but a necessity to drive progress and meet the evolving needs of our tech-driven world.
We embrace change and actively seek new and improved ways to enhance our products, services, and processes.
We believe in the power of teamwork, where diverse perspectives converge to spark ingenuity. By working together seamlessly across departments and with our partners, we amplify our collective strengths, leading to greater achievements and breakthroughs.
Our commitment to excellence extends beyond mere technical proficiency; we understand that successful Salesforce development is rooted in a deep comprehension of your business processes and objectives. Whether you are looking to enhance your sales pipeline, improve customer service, or drive marketing efficiency, our team collaborates closely with your stakeholders to deliver solutions that align seamlessly with your strategic goals. Our team has expertise in utilizing Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Field Service as well as utilizing web services to integrate Salesforce to other cloud platforms and tools.
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