By Passage Technology
Free Two free validation rules and one free duplicate rule are included in the free version. To get additional settings the premium version is required. $1,200 USD per company per year Two free validation rules and one free duplicate rule are included in the free version. To get additional settings the premium version is required.
Discounts available for nonprofits
Latest Release
Does your org have problems with invalid or duplicate data? Do you know? Could it be damaging the business and use of Salesforce and AI? This app lets Admins institute a systematic approach to warn users and help them easily improve existing and new data.
By using this application, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by our master subscription agreement, privacy policy, and terms of service. | | |
We show Salesforce accounts that are linked to a Trailblazer account and have the Manage Billing permission. If an account is missing, check that it's connected to to your Trailblazer account profile. Then verify that you’ve been assigned the Manage Billing permission in the related org.