Consulting and Training | Small Business - Wycado Consulting - AppExchange
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  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 17
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 2
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2002
Authorized Salesforce Training Reseller, Instructor, and Partner Planning, Configuration, Customization, and Training. I work with all Editions - Group, Professional, and Enterprise.####I've completed 180+ projects. I give my clients 'best practices' that I have learned along the way


  • Business Knowledge and Experience - Sales, Operations, Marketing, Customer Support, Contact Centers
  • Startup and Fortune 500 Experience
  • Certified Trainer - one of about 90 people in the world certified by Salesforce to teach Salesforce classes. I am also an authorized Salesforce training reseller. Clients can register for classes through me. I get them into the right class.


I provide the full range of services for small and medium-sized clients:## Business Process Assessment## Planning## Data Cleanup and Import## Configuration## Customization## Analytics Creation## User Training## System Admin Training####I have considerable experience in sales and marketing, customer support, contact centers, software, and telecommunications. I help clients figure out how best to use to transform their business, but keep it as simple as possible.

Geographic Focus

United States
Indiana Ohio Virginia



About Wycado Consulting Salesforce configuration, customization, and training. I work with small and medium-sized companies to help them leverage Salesforce to transform their business. I do more than just the technical work - I use my background in sales, customer service, contact centers, startups, and Fortune 500 to show my clients best practices, and how to keep a complex system simple. I am an authorized Salesforce Training Reseller, and a certified trainer that teaches 17+ Salesforce classes. I have trained hundreds of users and system administrators. I have several Salesforce courses on the PluralSight website.

Loveland, OH USA