End User Training: Sales, Sales Manager, Sales Leader and Sales Ops Admin - Sales And Technology Consultants, LLC - AppExchange
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End User Training: Sales, Sales Manager, Sales Leader and Sales Ops Admin

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 0
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 3
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2018
Train your users to Fall In Love with Salesforce.

I've trained CRM since 1999 and Salesforce since 2008 and personally been part of over 70 Implementations.##I believe in K.I.S.S. = Keep It STANDARD Salesforce.##My goal is to have you Build as you go by mastering each feature before adding more.


  • Get Started Right:##Learn the Basics of the Sales Cloud in the Essentials Edition.##Navigation, Record Management and Chatter are at the core of understanding the relationship between records and User Collaboration.
  • Sales Productivity:##Leverage productivity tools built into Salesforce Lightning Experience. ##Activity Management, List Views, Reports and Dashboards let sellers build an effective and efficient sales cadence for both productivity and accountability.
  • Salesforce Habits##Ongoing TLC: Training, Leading and Coaching develops the behaviors that lead to improved planning, organization and execution and adds velocity and effectiveness to the seller's sales process that grow sales revenue.


This course is for the entire Sales Organization from sellers to the CEO.##Sales effectiveness doesn't happen after a single training session; the sellers, managers, leaders and administrators all need to develop the corrected behaviors over time that lead to an increase in Sales Revenue.####The training curriculum leverages Trailhead and a deep understanding of the Learning Journey that each user goes through as they learn to integrate Salesforce into their daily selling routines.####At the heart of all productivity is the ability to PRODUCE RESULTS in a predictable manner; the ability to add improvements over time that impact sales growth.####"Point and Click" training is NOT ENOUGH for your organization to get the ROI you want from Salesforce.####The Leader, Manager and Administrator need to convey the "WHY" with the "HOW" of the data you are recording and reporting in your sales organization so that users can make the most of their time and effort to produce results.####When EVERYONE in the organization engages with Salesforce you improve your processes and your results by leveraging the tool to its full potential and you will experience the ROI you want and need.

Geographic Focus

United States
Arizona California Georgia



About Sales And Technology Consultants, LLC We're a training and consulting company focused on sales growth, enablement and effectiveness.##With over 30 years in the sales and technology field, we can serve your sales growth needs now and in the future.########If you are committed to grow your sales and want to leverage the full power and FORCE that Salesforce provides your sales, marketing, service, and operations teams, then contact us for a full www.CRMtriage.com.########We'll discover and close the gaps that exist between your people and technology.

Atlanta, Georgia, USA