Hardcover - Datorama / Marketing Cloud Intelligence Experts - Hardcover - AppExchange
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Hardcover - Datorama / Marketing Cloud Intelligence Experts

  • Average rating of the solution or service based on AppExchange customer reviews Rating
  • Number of Salesforce-verified projects completed by the consultant Projects Completed 7
  • Number of people employed by the consultant who hold qualifying Salesforce certifications. To learn more about qualifying certifications, check the latest Salesforce Consulting Partner Program Policy. Certified Experts 2
  • Year this company was founded Founded 2023
Gain maximum value from Datorama /Marketing Cloud Intelligence Account

Hardcover – Expert partner providing Datorama / Marketing Cloud Intelligence services. Behind Hardcover are two ex-Salesforce/Datorama employees (Kamlesh Mistry & Josh Harris) with a combined 15 years experience in MCI and the wider marketing industry.


  • Combined 15 years of experience and expertise in Datorama / Marketing Cloud Intelligence.
  • Combined 15+ years of experience in Advertising/Media/Data Analytics industry.
  • Custom Widget Development expertise.


Providing Datorama /Marketing Cloud Intelligence services. Behind Hardcover are two ex-Salesforce/Datorama employees (Kamlesh Mistry & Josh Harris) with a combined 15 years experience in MCI and the wider marketing industry.####With our unique skills and experience, we aim to help customers with some of the greatest challenges in MCI, for which resources can be hardest to find. These include:####Advanced data visualisation training for MCI, enabling your team to effectively communicate data on MCI dashboards and beyond.####Bespoke custom widget development, to solve novel use cases with effective data visualisation not possible with the native widget library.####Pitch Perfect, preparing media agency customers for new business pitches by providing custom dashboards that help sell the business story.####Platform API automation, unlocking capabilities and use cases achievable only by automating otherwise-manual tasks.####Granular Data Center/Data Lake configuration, automating big data workflows from ingestion, to number-crunching, to visualisation.####Our goal is to provide a high quality service and build long-lasting relationships.



About Hardcover


Introducing Hardcover – Experienced partner providing Datorama / Marketing Cloud Intelligence services. Behind Hardcover are two ex-Salesforce/Datorama employees (Kamlesh Mistry & Josh Harris) with a combined 15 years experience in MCI and the wider marketing industry.####With our unique skills and experience, we aim to help customers with some of the greatest challenges in MCI, for which resources can be hardest to find. These include:####Advanced Data Visualisation Training for MCI, Bespoke custom widget development, Pitch Perfect, Platform API automation, Granular Data Center/Data Lake configuration, Admin Certification and more, including the usual set of implementation partner services.####Our goal is to provide a high quality service and build long-lasting relationships and we are well-placed to help keep you moving forward.####To learn more about how we can help, or to get a personalised solution for your needs, contact us at Team@Hardcoverdata.com or visit our website: www.Hardcoverdata.com.
