10 Salesforce Automations to Effectively Manage a High-Volume Sales Pipeline - - AppExchange
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10 Salesforce Automations to Effectively Manage a High-Volume Sales Pipeline

As the volume of leads flowing through the funnel increases, it becomes difficult for sales teams to manage and convert them manually. There are also fair chances of some leads slipping through the cracks due to human error and, in-turn hurting the growth of your business.

According to a study by HubSpot, salespeople spend just one-third of their day actually talking to prospects. They spend 21% of their day writing emails, 17% entering data, another 17% prospecting and researching leads, 12% going to internal meetings, and 12% scheduling calls.

To tackle this, I’ll be covering ten must-use Salesforce automations in this blog that will help your sales team effectively manage a high-volume sales pipeline, boost productivity, and close more deals.

1. Sync leads from other apps to Salesforce

The first step to succeeding in managing a high volume sales pipeline is to have all your leads from different sources in a single place. Whether you’re generating leads through ads, webinars, subscription or contact forms, it is essential that this data is readily available in Salesforce for your sales team to reach out. 

Any delay in importing this data to Salesforce can affect your conversion rates. That’s where integration platforms like Automate.io come in. Using them, you can easily set up an integration that syncs all your leads from apps like Google Sheets, GoToWebinar, Facebook Lead Ads back to Salesforce. Now your sales team can focus on selling instead of manually importing and exporting contact data.

Here’s how you can do it:

2. Auto enrich your Salesforce lead data

Personalizing your message based on your prospective client’s persona and pain point while following-up can create a great first impression! However, it isn’t easy to get all the required data through your lead capture form. While you can get your sales team to enrich the contact information of your leads manually, it is time-consuming and certainly not worth their efforts.

That’s why you should set up an automation that integrates Salesforce with other lead enrichment tools and makes it easier for you to know more about your leads and improve your segmentation, without them having to fill out a lengthy form.

Here’s how you can do it:

3. Auto-assign leads within your team

By automating lead assignment, you can distribute the load evenly across your team and ensure that the right leads are directed to the right sales rep. Some of the lead assignment rules that work great to make your sales process efficient are to set them up on the experience of your sales rep/team based on product, industry, lead type, or geography that your sales rep/team is experienced in. Here’s how you can set up lead assignment rules in Salesforce.

4. Set up lead scoring in Salesforce

Lead scoring is one of the best ways to ensure that your sales reps reach out to the right lead at the time they’re most likely to buy. Some of the parameters that you can use for lead scoring are website activity, location, designation, company size, revenue, and email engagement. You can use Einstein Lead Scoring or set up lead scoring rules in Pardot to prioritize and qualify your leads.

5. Create opportunities and follow-up tasks for qualified leads

Now that you’ve identified your qualified leads, it’s time to create an opportunity for them in Salesforce so you can easily track where they are in your sales cycle and accurately forecast revenues. The next thing you need to do is create a follow-up task for that opportunity as a reminder for your sales rep.

Instead of creating opportunities and tasks manually, you can automate this entire process using the Lightning Process Builder, saving your team a lot of time. 

6. Send notifications on new opportunities

This automation serves dual purpose depending on who you notify. Firstly, it helps your sales team minimize their first-response time and stay on top when a new opportunity is created in Salesforce. Secondly, it boosts the company morale when they’re notified of a new business opportunity in the pipeline.

Here’s how you can do it:

7. Sync tasks between Salesforce and other apps

If you use multiple project management apps in your organization and want to copy your Salesforce tasks to your primary task list, then this is the automation for you. It will also help your sales team keep everyone in the loop without doing repetitive work if your organization maintains a shared task board across teams.

Here’s how you can do it:

8. Change the opportunity stage on high-intent activity

Timing is everything when it comes to sales, and the best time for your sales team to grab a prospective client’s attention is when they perform a high intent action like booking a meeting, digitally signing a contract, or requesting a quote. It’s time to level-up your customer experience game.

You can set up this automation using Process Builder to mark an opportunity as won when someone signs a digital contract or create a Salesforce contract in a draft state when an opportunity is won. The possibilities are endless.

9. Sync Salesforce events with other calendars

Are you creating events in Salesforce and want them to reflect on your other calendar apps like - Google Calendar or Office 365? This automation will come to your rescue so that you don’t have to do it manually. By keeping all your calendar’s in-sync, it will also ensure your sales team never misses a meeting.

Here’s how you can do it:

10. Sync customer purchase information to Salesforce

Once your sales team has successfully closed a deal, it’s time to celebrate their win and then move onto the next step i.e., upselling and cross-selling. These strategies work well to increase your customer lifetime value, but you can only do that if you know their purchase history. Therefore, it’s a good idea to sync that information from your payment apps to Salesforce and identify new sales opportunities.

Here’s how you can do it:

By using all the suggested Salesforce automations, your sales team can easily save up to 7-8 hours per week and focus on what they do best – close deals faster and grow your business. To learn more about the Salesforce automations you can create, check out Automate.io on AppExchange and Automate.io’s Salesforce integration page.

Ashutosh Cheulkar is a senior inbound marketer at Automate.io. When he's not geeking out about different ways to attract and engage users, you can find him on his couch binge-watching movies or on the quest for a gastronomical delight.

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