This month we covered seven solutions that made an impact on both customers and the Salesforce platform, took a closer at how to architect your CRM for large data volumes, and brainstormed some Salesforce-inspired, five-letter words to start your latest Wordle game.
Salesforce Labs Monthly Rewind: New Solutions You Need to Know About
With so many ideas being added to the world’s #1 enterprise marketplace, it can be easy to get lost in the excitement. Luckily, we’ve explored all of AppExchange and compiled the newest solutions from Salesforce Labs you should know about! Here’s your one-stop shop for new Labs recently released on AppExchange.
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3 Ways to Maximize Your Marketing Potential in Salesforce
It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day of B2B marketing. You’re busy and it feels like there has never been more work to do. But reporting B2B marketing success can be tricky if you don’t know where to start or what data points matter most. Here are three ways to get the ball rolling and help maximize your B2B marketing potential.
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The Best External Databases for Salesforce Connect
As data grows many enterprises will need to think differently about how to architect their CRM for large data volumes. With an external database, Salesforce Connect is a great way to integrate outside systems or offload non-core or historical data. Even if you’re a Salesforce expert, this blog can help you find the best external database for your business.
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Accounting Seed: Avado Learning Customer Spotlight
When Avado Learning wanted better visibility into their data, they knew they’d find the solutions they needed to make their business more connected and efficient on the AppExchange. Since installing the Accounting Seed app, they’ve seamlessly connected separate teams, seen a massive improvement in their accounting department, and can now access all their data in one place virtually.
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Our Favorite Trailblazers: Benafsha Irani
As the founder of West Coast Consulting Group, Benafsha Irani has traveled the world, launched innovative apps on the AppExchange, and helped grow and scale her business — all with a smile on her face. Read more to learn about this Trailblazer and where she draws inspiration to keep learning and find joy along the path to success.
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7 Award-Winning Solutions from Salesforce Labs
Get ready, Trailblazers, It’s time to celebrate our FY22 Beaker Award Winners! Every year, the team celebrates some of the best, brightest, free, and employee-built solutions released on AppExchange. This year, we identified seven solutions that made an impact on both customers and the Salesforce platform. Take a look and learn more about this year’s award-winning apps.
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AllCloud: PakLab Customer Spotlight
PakLab saw they had a big problem when they were operating without a CRM, but luckily they knew they’d find the solutions they needed to modernize their business on the AppExchange. Since installing the AllCloud app, they’ve streamlined their sales and marketing processes and can access their company data in one centralized location. And who doesn’t love additional transparency?
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8 CTI Apps to Improve Call Quality and Increase Team Productivity
When sales and support teams are distracted by bad call quality, how are they to effectively service customers? The good news is with Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) apps you can create an entire call center in minutes, all from Salesforce. Check out these eight CTI apps for Salesforce users and start improving your call experience today.
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Business Builders to Know: Mounir Nejjai’s Journey to Success
When Mounir Nejjai co-founded his business three years ago, the path ahead seemed straightforward. Now, in 2022, Cezium, a provider of SaaS solutions for Salesforce Marketing Cloud, has been ‘reborn’ multiple times following unforeseen roadblocks. By choosing to view the hard times as opportunities, and lead with innovative, solutions-based thinking, the founder has been able to keep the business on the path to success.
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5-Letter Salesforce-Inspired Words for Your Next Wordle Game
When it comes to getting six tries to guess a five-letter word, some hints can help. Yes, we’re talking about Wordle. Most know the better the first word you use, the better the chance of breaking the word code. Some of us on the team are big fans of the game, so we brainstormed five-letter starter words that will help and remind you of AppExchange and Salesforce.
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Kulturra: TWA Mentale Innovation GmbH Customer Spotlight
When TWA Mentale Innovation GmbH wanted to centralize their data reporting and start offering online payments to customers, they knew they’d find the solutions they needed to make their business more efficient on AppExchange. After installing the Kulturra Payment Center app, they saw instant improvements in invoicing, payment collection, and financial reporting.
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Why Clean Data is Vital for Nonprofits Using Salesforce
Clean data is vital to all industries, but nonprofits specifically have much to gain from utilizing it. As nonprofits start to branch out into more complex data collection techniques, there is more data than ever coming in, but data is only useful if it is reliable, accurate, and organized. Nonprofits need to understand that to succeed in their mission, they must ensure that the data they are processing is not only current but also rid of any inconsistencies.
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5 Ways AppExchange Apps Can Enhance the Customer Experience 5 Ways AppExchange Apps Can Enhance the Customer Experience By Lauren Gaskill Type Article Whether you’re looking to create a more seamless approach, meet customers where they are or develop a culture of customer appreciation, the following tips and AppExchange partner apps can help you take your customer experience to the next level.
4 Ways to Improve Sales Performance 4 Ways to Improve Sales Performance By Lauren Gaskill Type Article How well do you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your sales processes? It’s important to know where improvements can be made — both internally and for your customers.
Get Ready for the AppExchange Job Marketplace Retirement Get Ready for the AppExchange Job Marketplace Retirement Type Article With this proactive involvement, Nuvolar are a key influencer in promoting Salesforce careers to new-to-ecosystem talent and individuals from a diverse set of backgrounds.
9 Apps to Help You Reimagine Your Customer Experience 9 Apps to Help You Reimagine Your Customer Experience By Amanda Matlock Type Article No matter the company size, industry, or business challenge, partner apps and experts help businesses connect to customers. So don’t reinvent the wheel, reimagine it! Here are nine solutions on AppExchange to help you sell smoother to every customer.
Learn about the Latest Search Filter Enhancements Learn about the Latest Search Filter Enhancements By Amanda Backer Type Article Learn about AppExchange search enhancements, including using new filters for business need, industry, and job role.