Our Favorite Trailblazers: Spotlight on Scott Luikart - - AppExchange
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Our Favorite Trailblazers: Spotlight on Scott Luikart

We first met Scott because of his passion for solving business challenges with Salesforce. Since then, he’s become an MVP, a #LifeWithGoldie member, and so much more. Scott enjoys building so much that he has developed and deployed seven full-lifecycle products within the Salesforce platform. He also travels (see him in the 2019 AppExchange calendar with Appy at Mount Rushmore), and gives back. Scott teaches Salesforce to LGBT homeless youth in Houston, TX. There’s so much more to say about Scott’s talent and dedication, which is why he’s this month’s favorite Trailblazer.

How did you get involved with Salesforce?

I started back in 2011 as an end user. I then moved to a tech company where I was using Salesforce to look at customer records and store some basic data. At that time, we needed a tool to track customer issues beyond email. We evaluated many solutions and decided to deploy Service Cloud, Live Agent, Knowledge and others. Since then, I have been using Salesforce at a variety of companies, however, the agility of the platform is what I have come to love most.

When did you first use AppExchange? Which solution did you install and why?

We installed a knowledge dashboard and reports application in my first ever admin role. These apps gave me insight into editing unmanaged packages for my needs. Before that, it was frustrating that I couldn’t manipulate installed packages. It was such a great lesson of the different types of apps and how to evaluate them.

Which app do you find yourself using time and time again, and why?

DemandTools! I love this tool - it has so many components but my favorite is the easy to delete un-run reports and save a ton of time.

How have you seen technology make change? Do you volunteer/help others and if so, how?

June 2019 marks two years that I have been running #MGPdoesTrailhead. Myself and a few other Salesforce professionals in Houston, TX teach LGBT homeless youth Trailhead once a month. This is an incredible time to teach resiliency and perseverance to a group of venerable youth. These youth might typically walk away when they hit barriers, but when Trailhead gives them an error, or they don’t complete a trial correctly, we cheer them on - encouraging them to try again and answer questions along the way. These youth are the toughest kids I talk to in a month - they do not have to give me the time of the day, but when they see success, they want that high five. A transgender female student got so excited when she saw Becka Miller. She ran up to her and asked to be her helper that day. This connection is what so many homeless people need. They need to know they matter and people care about them as individuals.  

What's your favorite place you've traveled to?

Right now, I am loving my recent work trip to Manila, Philippines. It's my first time traveling internationally. Look out for a submission to the calendar next year with Appy in Manila.

(You can see Scott's travels with Appy at Mount Rushmore in the 2019 AppExchange wall calendar.)

You received the golden hoodie. What's #lifewithgoldie like?

The golden hoodie is something I can’t even describe. I am among incredible company. #LifeWithGoldie is an amazing community of people who care about others and give back to the community. There are so many more people deserving of this honor. I firmly believe that I have been given so much by this community that I am called to give back. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for people helping me learn along the way.

Who's your mentor or idol?

My mentor is Dr. Jane Klug, Dean of Students at BHSU, who helped me during my college years. Growing up in South Dakota, coming out was difficult. It was self imposed in some ways, because the first gay person I was aware of was Matthew Shepard. Jane helped as I dealt with some harassment and also encouraged me to go out and meet people and be the person I am. Had she not pushed me at a critical point in my life, I do not think my resiliency would be the same. Jane gives back in all aspects of her life, religious, work and personal. I try and embody her giving spirit in all aspects of my life, too.

My idol is Ellen DeGeneres. Her coming out experience is one of epic proportions. The fact that she now has the notoriety for that experience and is able to do good with her privilege is incredible. I only hope that I am able to stay as positive, hopeful, and giving as I move through my career.  

What does being a Traiblazer mean to you?

Being a Trailblazer is realizing that there are others that do not have the access, skills or resources, and helping build those paths to bring this to them. Additionally, being a Trailblazer is bringing innovation to my company. The AppExchange helps me be a Trailblazer at Whole Foods because I can solve problems faster and save money, over building and maintaining tools ourselves. We are conscious of how we scale our solutions, without always being able to scale our team.

What advice do you have for other Trailblazers?

Meet people, get to know others, leverage your community, and give back. If you receive help from this community, give back to the community. Also, I believe you interview for your boss, not your job. If you are fortunate enough to get a job in this ecosystem, make sure your boss with defend, empower and advise you. They will be the biggest advocate.

Meet more Trailblazers like Scott, and learn how they're blazing trails at their companies.

Amanda Nelson is Director of Community Marketing at Salesforce AppExchange.
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